
Go from a Minimum Viable Product to a consolidated Business Model. Build your company and make it sustainable


Being incubated at Ingenio allows you to trail a path full of benefits and opportunities.

At Ingenio, the incubation starts once the project has been approved by the Selection Committee. After signing the contract, we begin with 12 months of hard work alongside the incubator team, consultants, mentors, industry leaders, agencies, among others.

Work methodologies follow practices of incremental disruptive innovation, open innovation, collaborative work, among other dynamic methodology proposals inspired by international business ecosystems with the highest impact.

The main goal is to develop your own incubation roadmap with an emphasis on planning, execution, measurements and adjustments as fundamental pillars to consolidate your project and take it a step further.

We provide your startup with high-value resources. Incubation begins with an in-depth diagnosis of your project’s situation, which allows us to prepare a comprehensive incubation plan, with business goals and success indicators defined around the needs and nature of each project.

Why choose Ingenio?

Ingenio grants you access to an elite network of established entrepreneurs who will give you advise based on their experience and business skills. Joining LATU Technological Park gives you a chance to share your day-to-day with resident companies and connect with business leaders. In addition, you will have an extensive network of resources from the areas in which the incubator participates, both nationally and internationally.

Ingenio has an far-reaching network of consultants and experts who complement your skills and help you develop strategic, financial and marketing plans, establish the legal aspects, define business models, business strategies, intellectual property, internationalization plans, among others.

You can be part of the Elder Brothers & Sisters community, a program that brings together entrepreneurs who, having passed through Ingenio, continue to form bonds, interact and nurture each other.

Passing through Ingenio involves a continuous development of your business skills and abilities. Besides assisting you with the development of your tech-related product, we help you define the company’s vision and choose the appropriate leadership style, so that you and your project can only be expected to grow and consolidate.

Incubating at Ingenio grants you access to: electronics laboratories to prototype your products; your own fully equipped offices; co-working spaces where you will meet colleagues with whom to connect; meeting rooms to work with your team; event rooms to launch your proposals, and so much more.

Those who are incubated at Ingenio have access to specialized assistance when preparing required materials and documents, as well as advice on how to present themselves to investors or agencies and gain access to founding to promote their projects.

At Ingenio we give you the necessary advice and assistance to expand you communication strategy. We share your message through the incubator’s resources: website, events, networks and other available media.